Conway's Game Of Life In Godot Using GDScript

I've written about creating Conway's Game Of Life in a number of other articles, so I didn't think this was worth a full article.

Here is the code in full.

extends Node2D

# Set up some variables.
var grid = [];
var xSizeFactor = 1;
var ySizeFactor = 1;
var xResolution = 100;
var yResolution = 100;

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
	xSizeFactor = get_viewport().size.x / xResolution;
	ySizeFactor = get_viewport().size.y / yResolution;
	createGrid(xResolution, yResolution);

# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
	grid = runGeneration(xResolution + delta, yResolution + delta);

# Called when CanvasItem has been requested to redraw.
func _draw():
	generateBoard(xResolution, yResolution)

# Set up a random grid.
func createGrid(x_resolution, y_resolution):
	grid = range(0, x_resolution)
	for x in range(0, x_resolution):
		grid[x] = range(0, y_resolution)
		for y in range(0, y_resolution):
			grid[x][y] = randi_range(0, 1)

# Draw a square on the game board for every live cell in the grid.
func generateBoard(x_resolution, y_resolution):
	for x in range(0, x_resolution):
		for y in range(0, y_resolution):
			var realx = x * xSizeFactor
			var realy = y * ySizeFactor
			if grid[x][y] == 1:
				draw_rect(Rect2(realx, realy, xSizeFactor, ySizeFactor), Color(1, 1, 1))

# Run the generation from one grid to another.
func runGeneration(x_resolution, y_resolution):
	# Generate new empty grid to populate with result of generation.
	var return_grid = range(0, x_resolution)
	for x in range(0, x_resolution):
		return_grid[x] = range(0, y_resolution)
		for y in range(0, y_resolution):
			return_grid[x][y] = 0

	# Iterate over the grid.
	for x in range(0, x_resolution):
		for y in range(0, y_resolution):
			var neighbours = numberNeighbours(x, y)
			if grid[x][y] == 1:
				# Current cell is alive.
				if neighbours < 2:
					# Cell dies (rule 1).
					return_grid[x][y] = 0
				elif neighbours == 2 or neighbours == 3:
					# Cell lives (rule 2).
					return_grid[x][y] = 1
				elif neighbours > 3:
					# Cell dies (rule 3).
					return_grid[x][y] = 0
				# Current cell is dead.
				if neighbours == 3:
					# Make cell live (rule 4).
					return_grid[x][y] = 1
	return return_grid
# Count the number of neighbours.
func numberNeighbours(x, y):
	var count = 0

	var xrange = [x-1, x, x+1]
	var yrange = [y-1, y, y+1]

	for x1 in xrange:
		for y1 in yrange:
			if x1 == x and y1 == y:
				# Don't count this cell.
			if x1 < grid.size() - 1 and y1 < grid[x1].size() - 1:
				# Cell exists.
				if grid[x1][y1] == 1:
					count += 1
	return count

This is all running on a single Node2D scene. If you run the project in debug mode you should see something like this.

A screenshot of Conway's Game of Life running in Godot.

This is in a 500x500 window.

If you want to know more about the Game of Life algorithm then look at the following articles.

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